(619) 356-0259‬
join us for our grand opening in May 2022!


Alleviate arthritis pain and inflammation with acupuncture at Bonita Vista Acupuncture. Our
targeted treatments reduce joint discomfort, improve mobility, and enhance overall quality of life. Discover a
natural and effective approach to managing arthritis symptoms and promoting joint health.


“Dr. Jillian has been focusing her care on my osteoarthritis, but her treatments have benefited almost every aspect of my life…I'm a 33yr old female who works in the medical field with a job that is very demanding and hard on my body, but I couldn't imagine doing anything else. Between my shoulder, back, and knees, l've been dealing with chronic pain off and on since the age of 19. By the time I was 32 the pain in my knees had become so severe and chronic that I couldn't have honestly told you the last time I had a single day where I was pain free, and there had been times where I had wished my leg was just gone… I could not function without daily pain medication, could not sleep or sit without pain, and there were days that I could not even walk… I had my first treatment with Dr. Jillian that day, and the next morning, that dull chronic arthritic ache I had been dealing with for years was GONE. I could not believe it. I searched and waited for my pain to return, but it was really gone! I have been receiving treatments 2x a week for the past 4 weeks and I am not the same person I was a month ago. My knee no longer stops me. I have been able to cut back on my daily pain medication/anti-inflammatories. I am pain free, sleeping better and am more mentally clear/sharp."
Brittanie D.